The brain functions to receive, translate, at the same time Therefore, brain health is very important to be maintained so that the body's functions can run well. In fact, the brain cannot fight the natural process of the human body, namely aging. The more a person ages, the more the brain's ability decreases. But can humans maintain the ability of the brain to remain optimal? Lots of disorders and diseases that can have a bad effect on brain health, while affecting the ability of the brain. Here are some ways you can do to keep the brain healthy and functioning optimally. Inadequate brain nutrition needs Protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals with foods that contain antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish. In addition, the need for omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from salmon and sardines. This substance is very important in reducing cholesterol levels, minimizing inflammation in the brain, and maintaining brain optimization. Don't...